Toastmaster Club Officers Roles and Responsibilities

All officers are elected for 6 months.  

Terms of office are from July 1 to June 30th.

List of Officer Roles and Responsibilities


The President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club. Serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Vice President Education

Second ranking officer of Club. Plans and directs club programs which meet the educational needs of the Club members. Plans and publishes regular schedules of meeting assignments. Keeps track of member’s progress towards goals. Serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Vice President Membership

Third ranking officer. Plans and directs programs to retain and increase club membership. Serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Vice President Public Relations

Fourth ranking officer. Develops and directs programs that inform individual members and the general public about Toastmasters International and about Club activities.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)


The Secretary is responsible for Club records and correspondence. Maintains the club roster. Has custody of the Club’s charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and all other records and documents of the club. Keeps an accurate record of the meetings and activities of the Club.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)


The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Sergeant at Arms

Prepares meeting room for meeting. Maintains Club property, including banner, nametags, and supplies. Greets visitors. Chairs Social and Reception Committees.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President supports the club officers. The primary responsibilities of this role involve serving as a resource for new officers and ensuring continuity with past terms.  (for a complete list of duties, scroll down)

Officer Duties

Each of the officers in a Toastmasters club has duties to fulfill in support of the members of the club. Toastmasters clubs have multiple officers both to spread the load and to expand the leadership opportunities at the club level.

Filling an officer role does not mean that you do the job alone; it means you are responsible to see that the job gets done.

Attend your training so you get the support you need to better serve your club.

Collectively, the club’s officers are its Executive team. The seven officers rank as follows, with the highest-ranking officer at a meeting the presiding officer:

  • President
  • Vice President – Education
  • Vice President – Membership
  • Vice President – Public Relations
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Sergeant At Arms
  • Immediate Past President

There are some responsibilities that are expected of all club officers.

  • Attend District Officer Training once for each 6 month term
  • Participate in Club Success Plan
  • Attend club executive officer meetings
  • Attend club meetings regularly
  • All club officers should be aware of important dates and deadlines.

July – club prepares, approves annual club budget (as appropriate)
July – officers complete annual “Club Success Plan”; can share with club members
August – should conduct club speech contests (Humorous Speech, Table Topics)
Month of September – collect dues from all club members
By October 1 – club Semiannual Membership Report due to World Headquarters
September – Area holds contests
October- Division holds contests
November – District holds contests
Month of December – clubs with 6 month officer terms hold club officer elections
By December 31 – club officer reports due to World Headquarters (ALL CLUBS)
January – officers review, update annual “Club Success Plan”; can share with members
February (International Speech, Evaluations) – should conduct club speech con tests
speech contestants must have given minimum of 6 speeches
members of newly charter clubs (after July 1) excepted from 6 speech rule
March – Area holds contests
Month of March – collect dues from all club members
April 1 – club Semiannual Membership Report due to World Headquarters
April – Division holds contests
May – District holds contests
Month of June – hold club officer elections (ALL CLUBS)
June 30 – club officer reports due to World Headquarters (ALL CLUBS)

President (Cont.)

The President is the chief executive officer for the club. The role involves general supervision and operation of the club. This office ranks first among the seven.

The President presides at Club meetings, and directs the club in meeting the members’ needs for educational growth and leadership. In cooperation with the rest of the officers, the President establishes long-term and short-term goals for the club. The President serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.

Some specific duties of the President are:

  • Presides over club meetings
  • Guides club in carrying out its mission and insures that all club activities are in accordance with Toastmasters International guidelines
  • Plans and leads Distinguished Club Program/Club Success Plan meeting(s) and issues report
  • Assures that the Semiannual Membership Report is complete and issued on time
  • Represents Club at Area/District meetings
  • Plans agenda and presides over club executive committee meetings

Important Dates and Deadlines for the President are:

Every meeting – call meetings to order; conduct business meetings
Monthly – ensure VP-E issues club assignments; ensure all officers completing duties
As appropriate – contact visitors, long-absent members
July – officers complete annual “Club Success Plan”; can share with club
August – arrange for club to conduct semiannual speech contest
September – assist in Area Contest
Month of September – ensure dues collected from all club members
October 1 – submit Semiannual Membership Report to World Headquarters
October – assist in Division Contest
November – assist in District Contest
November – form club officer nomination committee
Month of December – hold club officer elections (clubs with 6 month terms)
December 31 – club officer reports due to World Headquarters (ALL CLUBS)
January – arrange Officers meeting to review, update annual “Club Success Plan”; can share with club members
February – ensure that club will conduct semiannual speech contest (Evaluations; International Speech)
March – assist in Area Contest
Month of March – ensure that dues collected from all club members
April 1 – submit Semiannual Membership Report to World Headquarters
April – assist in Division Contest
May – assist in District Contest
May – form club officer nomination committee
June – hold club officer elections (all clubs)
June 30 – club officer reports due to World Headquarters (ALL CLUBS)

Vice President Education

The VP Education handles the educational program within the club. The role involves ensuring that all members continue their progress towards their chosen educational goals. This office ranks second among the seven.

The VPE plans, organizes, and implements the meetings to fit the chosen speeches, educational modules, and related events to the members’ needs. When members complete a speech or a major achievement, it is the VPE who initials the manuals or contacts Toastmasters to ensure proper recognition. New members will receive orientation and be assigned a mentor by the VPE. The VPE serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.

Some specific duties of the Vice-President – Education are:

  • Plans and issues monthly calendar
  • Presents monthly schedule at Executive meeting and publishes monthly schedule
  • Keeps individual member records
  • Keeps a binder with member achievement forms for each member
  • Tracks Member Educational Goals
  • Solicits personal achievement goals from each member
  • Administers speech contests
  • Presides in the absence of the President

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Vice-President – Education are:

Each meeting – initial manuals of members completing manual speeches
As appropriate, complete and submit member application forms for CTM, ATM, etc.
On-going – talk with members on their education goals
Monthly – plan and issue monthly meetings calendar with member assignments
Monthly – update records of individual member accomplishments
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”
August – conduct semiannual speech contest (Humorous Speech, Table Topics)
September – coordinate club contest winners participation in Area contest
January – participate in meeting to update annual “Club Success Plan”
February – conduct club semiannual speech contest (International Speech, Evaluations)
International Speech Contestants must have completed at least 6 speeches (Members of newly charter clubs (after July 1) exempted from 6 speech rule).
March – coordinate club contest winners participation in Area contest

Vice President Membership

The VP Membership handles sustaining and boosting the number of club members. The role involves marketing and some administration. This office ranks third among the seven.

The VPM plans, organizes, and implements a continuous marketing effort to ensure that club membership remains above charter strength (20 members). This is done both by retaining current member, with the VPE, and by gathering new members, with the VPPR. The VPM is responsible for the semi-annual membership reports that go to Toastmasters, and for keeping the membership roster and attendance records. Serves as one of the Club’s representatives on Area and District Councils.

Some specific duties of the Vice-President – Membership are:

  • Develops program(s) for recruiting new members
  • Assimilates new members.
  • Greets all guests and encourages them to join; completes all Applications for Membership; forwards application and dues to Toastmasters International; and presents new members to club.

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Vice-President – Membership are:

As appropriate – implement membership recruitment programs, contests
As appropriate – encourage visitors to complete membership application form
When received – submit application form and dues to World Headquarters
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”
December – assist President in completing semiannual membership report
January – participate in meeting to update annual “Club Success Plan”
June – assist President in completing semiannual membership report

Vice President Public Relations

The VP Public Relations handles maintaining and building the club’s image. The role involves internal and external communications. This office ranks fourth among the seven.

The VPPR plans, organizes, and implements programs to maintain the positive image of the club and Toastmasters for all guests, members, and the general public. Common activities overseen include press releases, publicity campaigns, website maintenance, media re presentation, and club newsletters.

Some specific duties of the Vice President – Public Relations are:

  • Plans and prepares publicity materials Produces a Club Newsletter

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Vice President – Public Relations are:

As appropriate – assist VPM in promoting membership recruitment programs, contests
As appropriate – issue press releases, publicity campaigns
As scheduled – publish and distribute club newsletter
July – issue press release announcing club officers to media
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”; help publicize to members
July/August – promote member participation in club contest
August – issue press release announcing club contest winners to media
November/December – publicize officer elections to club members
January – participate in meeting to update annual “Club Success Plan”; help publicize to members
January – issue press release announcing club officers to media
February – promote member participation in club contest
March – issue press release announcing club contest winners to media
May/June – publicize officer elections to club members


The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. The role involves the club’s finances, including dues collection and materials purchasing. This office ranks sixth among the seven. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. All club accounts come through this office. Dues notices and collection falls to the Treasurer. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.

Some specific duties of the Treasurer are:

  • Prepares and mails orders for Toastmasters supplies
  • Prepares the Semiannual Membership Report, collects dues submits to World Headquarters (with President)
  • Issues checks to World Headquarters for semiannual membership dues/New Member Fees
  • Keeps complete and accurate records of all financial transactions
  • Prepares a monthly financial report

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Treasurer are:

As appropriate – issue check to World Headquarters for new member dues and fees
As appropriate – issues check to World Headquarters, vendors or members for supplies
Monthly – prepare financial report and present report to officers, members
July – prepare and submit annual club budget to executive officers, President
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”
Month of September- collect dues from all club members; assist President in completing club Semiannual Membership Report
By September 30 – issue check to World Headquarters for semiannual membership dues; club Semiannual Membership Report due to World Headquarters October 1st
August/September – issue checks for supplies, trophies for club speech contests
January – participate in meeting to update annual “Club Success Plan”
February/March – issue checks for supplies, trophies for club speech contests
Month of March – collect dues from all club members; assist President in completing club Semiannual Membership Report
By March 31 – issue check to World Headquarters for semiannual membership dues; club Semiannual Membership Report due to World Headquarters April 1st

Sergeant at Arms

The Sergeant at Arms handles meeting facilities and decorum. The role involves all those tasks expected of the host of the meeting. This office ranks seventh among the seven.

The SAA arranges setup for all meetings, sets out and cares for the club’s materials and supplies, Club property, including banner, nametags, and supplies, and greets members and especially guests. Chairs Social and Reception Committees.

Some specific duties of the Sergeant at Arms are:

  • Arranges room and equipment for each meeting
  • Greets all guests and members
  • Collects ballots and tallies votes for awards
  • Maintains all Club equipment and materials

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Sergeant at Arms are:

Each meeting – set up room before meeting
Each meeting – greet guests and members; have guests use name tags, sign guest book
As necessary – arrange for meeting room location
January – participate in meeting to update annual “Club Success Plan”
February/March – arrange for room location for club contest
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”
July/August – arrange for room location for club contest


The Secretary is responsible for Club records and correspondence. The role involves all administrative details between the club and Toastmasters, and keeping the club’s documents available and up-to-date. This office ranks fifth among the seven.

The Secretary cares for the club’s records, including by-laws and constitution. Updated membership records, new member applications, supply orders, officers’ lists, and past club records fall to the Secretary for execution. The Secretary also records and reads the meeting minutes, for meetings of the club and of the Executive team.

Some specific duties of the Secretary are:

  • Maintains an accurate membership roster
  • Records meeting minutes

Important Dates and Deadlines for the Secretary are:

As appropriate – update and publish club membership roster
As appropriate – prepare and publish minutes of executive officer meetings
July – participate in meeting to complete annual “Club Success Plan”

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President provides guidance and serves as a resource to Club officers and members. The Immediate Past President chairs the Nominating Committee, assists in the preparation of the Club Success Plan, promotes the Club’s Success Plan, and promotes the Club’s efforts to become a Distinguished Club.

Some specific duties of the Immediate Past President are:

  • Provide guidance to the new president (remember: they are the president now, not you)
  • Act as advisor to club officers
  • Carry out special assignments as needed
  • Attend other Toastmaster events and encourage others to attend also.